Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Save Money By Making Homemade Cards

Cards are expensive, especially when you buy individual cards from a card rack. I have got to the point where I rarely buy cards from the store anymore. I make them instead. Now days with card making and scrapbooking being so popular, it is extremely easy to find supplies. I tend to buy my card bases in bulk when they are half price or I use a 40% coupon from JoAnn Fabrics, Hobby Lobby, or Michael’s. The larger cards I can usually find for like 40 cards for like $2.50. The smaller cards which are a little better quality because they are colored, textured cardstock are normally $9.99, but I get them for around $5.00 for 50 of them. You can buy special embellishments for card making, but you really need to be careful because you can easily over spend on this. The point is to save money, not spend more!!! One thing I do is buy embellishments that has several embellishments (or stickers) that I can use on several cards so I spread out the cost. So really consider what type of cards you use the most. Also, consider what gender of embellishments you need. If you have a house full of boys and only one niece to have cards for, it doesn’t make sense to have a bunch of girly, girl embellishments.

Some things you may want to have on hands for card making:
- card base or card stock
- envelopes (these usually come with the cards)
- patterned paper
- stickers
- embellishments
- ribbons, buttons, rhinestones
Here are a few of the cards that I have made:


Frugal Clothes Buying Guide

There are three main places to purchase used clothing; resale shops, thrift shops and garage/ yard sales. All of these places you can find good deals if you know what to look for, but they also have some draw backs.

Resale Shops- Usually has the best quality of clothes and are more likely to have designer clothes, but they are also usually the most expensive. The selection at resale shops is usually pretty good. If your looking for nice, adult clothes, this may be your best bet.

Thrift Shops- Also will have a good selection. The clothes may not be as high of quality as in some resale shops but many of them do get a good selection of good quality clothes, especially the thrift shops in more expensive neighborhoods. The prices are usually cheaper that resale shops.

Garage/ Yard Sales- These vary greatly and could be your best source of hitting a “gold mine”, but you have to be at the right place at the right time. Children’s clothes are easier to find at garage sales than adult clothes. Most of the time the prices are really good, but not always since this really depends on the individual and how badly they want to sell their goods. Many times you can get a person running a garage sale to go lower in price especially if it is near the end of the garage sale or you are buying a lot. Quality also varies greatly from garage sale to garage sale. If you go to a lot of garage sales, you will eventually learn what areas have the higher quality merchandise.

Things to look for when buying used clothes:

Zippers- Are the zippers in good working order? Is the zipper frayed? Does it slide up and down easily?

Buttons- Is the outfit missing any buttons? Are the buttons sewn on tight?

Hems- Are the hems in good shape? Are there any holes along the hem? Is the crease of the hem worn or faded?

Seams- Are any of the seams ripped or loose? Are there any holes along the seams? Make sure the seams are nice and tight.

Holes- Are there any holes in the fabric, along the seams or along the hem?

Fabric- Is the fabric in good shape or is it worn in areas? Does it look like the colors have faded or bled on other parts of the outfit? Are there any spots that aren’t suppose to be there on the outfit?

Fabric Care- Does this outfit need any special care?

Dry Clean Only- If the outfit is Dry Clean Only, you may want to consider if you want the extra cost associated with dry cleaning.

Are the colors and style good for you? It’s not a bargain, if it is not flattering on you.

Does it fit well? If it does not fit well, it is not a bargain. For children, it’s ok to buy ahead if you are sure they are going to be a certain size during a certain season.

Don't forget to check out Lynn's Tightwad, Frugal, Penny Pinching Place at:
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